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  • Writer's pictureSophie Fox

Making Connections - Acorn Network

Britten Pears Arts, Suffolk Artlink and Suffolk Libraries co-curated this network day, sharing their ongoing projects around early years music in community settings. The theme for the day was 'Making Connections'. hosted in the beautiful setting of Snape Maltings. 25 of us gathered for a day of 'in-person' networking, workshops and discussions.

We were treated to 3 presentations, followed by a playful workshop led by, musician Xenia Horne. After lunch we heard from Stuart Agnew from The University of Suffolk who is collecting data for a research report on music provision for 0-25 year olds in the county. Followed by open discussion - with topics, questions and enquiries generated by the group.

A summary report is available to download at the end of this post and you can watch a recording of the presentations here....

Our next Acorn Network is going to be in Kings Lynn on the 8th November. Sign up to our mailing list to get updates and booking info.

We regularly coordinate early years arts networking events with the goal of building a community of practice around early years arts, and to make early years arts practice visible in the East of England, nationally and internationally. We are very grateful to Festival Bridge for their ongoing support. Our aim is to bring artists, educators and cultural organisations together to share presentations, workshops and discussions and to learn together.

There is also an Acorn Network facebook group which you can request to join - to connect, share and continue the conversations in-between the Acorn Network events.


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